Perceptions of Leadership

The following is a summary of the reading that has informed my perceptions of leadership and how:

Adapt to Change

Change is constant, especially in a learning environment. The readings discussed interesting points regarding the classroom environment, specifically how the classsroom has changed over the years. Instructors mus adopt to changes in the classroom either face-to-face or an online environment. By adding engaging content such as videos, augmented reality, and gamificiation, instructors must continue to change their instuctional strategies so that students remain stimulated to learn more content.

Adapt to Diversity

Diversity is also an important topic dicussed in the readings. The authors offered ideas of how diversity is changing the classroom. Because the world is becoming a global learn environment, classrooms are now filled with different students with varying racial backgrounds which now requires altenative instructional methodologies that include multiple languages and respect of all types of cultures. Diversity will continue not only students, but also instructional teams as these teams are assembled to coordinate tasks and responsibilities. Faculty members and administrations will need to be wary of cultural differences when deploying new instructional curriculums within schools and online platforms.

Adapt to Students' Needs

Finally, students' needs are also an important component of perceptions of leadership. From the readings, my knowledge and understanding of students' needs were extended by incorporated the above perceptions, change and diversity. Students needs may originate from changes during their development as humans whether it be providing more attention towards their skill building or by enhancing their learning environment such as introducing new learning tools like tablets or virtual reality headsets.